The Yonoton Order Management tool is called Yorma. Every order sent to Yorma is displayed on the Order Management screen. Each customer’s order has a number assigned to it. Every order in Yorma includes the details of the order and the notes indicated in the order. A customer’s order in Yorma goes through three states which are indicated below once they appear at the

  1. Future state
  2. The Preparing State
  3. The Ready State
  4. The Completed State

The following tasks can be performed on an order in Yorma:

  1. An order can be moved to the next state or status
  2. An order can be rejected
  3. An order can be printed

13.1 Moving a customer’s order to the next status

13.2 Rejecting an order

13.3 Printing an order

13.4 Searching for orders

13.5 Setting Preparation Time
